11 Reasons To Make Yoga One Of Your New Year Resolutions

4 min readOct 18, 2022


Yoga has been beneficial to humanity for over 5,000 years. Once you adapt to yoga in your life, you will see tremendous growth in yourself as an individual. The quality of your life will improve, and you will be able to create the right balance in your life.

The new year is quickly approaching, so now is the time to decide on your resolution or set personal goals for 2023. This time, make yoga a part of your new year’s plan and give yourself a new start. Yoga will keep your body and mind healthy and stress-free. So, including yoga in your resolution list is a must.

The following are some justifications for making yoga your 2019 New Year’s resolve.

  1. Enhance your decision making.

Regular yoga exercises help you to become a wiser person. This helps in re-strategizing your time and managing your tasks as well. Yoga helps you to discover your skills and capabilities. This helps in channelizing the positive energy inside you. Once your mind is calm, you will be able to make better decisions.

2. Increase your physical flexibility and strength.

Yoga enables you to strengthen your body. Asana and yoga practices help in building flexibility in the body. Regular Surya namaskar will help you increase your flexibility and mobility. This will help you perform day-to-day tasks easily. The more you become engrossed in yogic exercises and asana, your core muscles will strengthen and your body posture will improve.

  1. Detoxifying your body

After joining a yoga school in Goa, Rishikesh, or any other part of India, you will develop a healthy lifestyle. This healthy lifestyle will help in forming a right schedule in your life. You will start eating healthy, sleeping better, and living a better life. Regular practices will help you to detoxify your body and release stress and toxins from your system. As a result, you will look younger with a peaceful mind and a healthy body.

  1. Health improvement

Whether you are suffering from anxiety, diabetes, or insomnia, yoga is the solution for every type of health problem. Regular yoga helps you deal with every type of health problem. It helps you cope with different health issues. Yoga helps in preventing diseases and keeps you healthy.

  1. Reducing weight

Yoga is a very popular way to reduce weight or burn some calories. If your New Year’s resolution is to lose a few pounds, enrolling in a yoga school in Goa will be extremely beneficial.

It will not only aid in weight loss but will also promote a healthy lifestyle.Once you start practicing yoga and eating healthy, you will notice a change in your body.

  1. Reduce stress.

Our lives are filled with stress. This modern life is quite stressful for a lot of people and can harm your heart and longevity of life. So, if you want to reduce the stress level in your life, yoga is a great way to start. Yoga helps in managing your stress level.

Pranayama will help your body and mind relax and will make you feel better. It helps in increasing mindfulness and reducing high blood pressure.

  1. Eliminate back pain

If you are suffering from a chronic back pain issue, doing yoga asana will help you get rid of it. There are certain yoga poses like Adho Mukha Svanasana, Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, and Ustrasama that help in releasing tension at the back of your body, which reduces pain and provides relief. You can go to a yoga school to get the right training under the experts or join our 200-hour yoga TTC.

  1. Better sleeping quality

If you are suffering from insomnia, yoga can help you improve your sleeping pattern. With mediation and regular yogic exercises, you can improve your healthy lifestyle schedule.

When you start your day with a good yoga exercise, you will start to notice a positive change in your life cycle. With better sleep quality, you will be able to concentrate more on your work.

Goayogashala School
  1. A balance between work and personal life

Yoga practice will help you to balance your work and personal life. Yoga helps you to balance your body, mind, and soul on a regular basis.You will be able to manage the stress of your work life and face the challenges. This balance helps with calming your mind and improving your lifestyle.

  1. Help in improving concentration.

Yoga and meditation help in improving concentration. This option improves your ability to excel in your work and personal life.

It will help you make better decisions and follow a work schedule. It sharpens your mind, improves your memory, and energises your face so that you can deal with the challenges regularly.

  1. Explore yourself.

Yoga helps you to discover your true self. With regular yoga practices you start to realize your strengths and weaknesses. Yoga helps you to understand the philosophy of life. Joining a yoga retreat or school will help you incorporate healthy habits into your life.

It will change your outlook and perspective on life. You will meet new people and discover new horizons or opportunities in your life.

Summing up

So, this new year, say goodbye to your unhealthy habits and start living a healthy lifestyle. Yoga has the power to change you and your life. All you need to do is take a step for yourself and new year is the best time to do it.




We are a Multi-style Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga School in Goa, India. This yoga center offers the best yoga teacher training in Goa.